Thursday, February 21, 2013

A lesson from my two crazy dogs today!

First off I am one of those pet owners that occasionally  let's food Drop on the floor. okay okay I give food to them.

The end result is that they are often under foot or under the table begging.   Today was interesting...I came in with two rotisserie cooked chickens.   They both sat near by looking hopeful, but there wasn't the usual underfoot stuff.  When the piece of chicken skin came their way they accepted with a slow graceful reverence.

I laughed to myself as I washed my hands how they were so patient because they knew this treat was indeed worth the wait. The treat was so good they didn't snatch it they allowed it to slip from my fingers into their mouths.

Can I think of something so worth the wait, that i might receive it with that same grateful reverence. Certainly nothing of this earth, (sorry pups). I think of how Mary said yes to the angel and at that moment received fullness  of grace for her life journey.   I know that in my own life I am in saying yes to God receiving grace sufficient for my challenges to handle what ever comes my way. Do I wait as patiently and receive so graciously? Did I just get a lesson from my dogs?

Friday, February 8, 2013

I used to catch myself being impatient with people who always lost their phones or forgot to change it back after they had silenced it.  I am now catching myself in these small social crimes. The poem says,  "Oh to see ourselves as others see us" but I wonder if it isn't more to the point to catch ourselves as others have been. Is that to see a speck while looking past a log? Or to find the log on the way back from cataloging the speck...