I was wondering what "sack cloth and ashes" look like in today's world? I've know people who have made big changes work by changing their life style, they suddenly don't seem the same. Even if a really close friend, or family member decides to diet and really hits the behavioral stuff hard I don't know them like I used to....do we sometimes sabotage these efforts in others for our own comfort.
When my oldest dumped his awful trashy CDs I was thrilled. He has a family and from time to time they make changes in their life style (most recently canceling cable tv) my grands only watch Netflix or YouTube lol.
I have another friend who just up and quit the Thrift Shop and everyone flooded her with pleas to return and she disappeared even more. Finally in a private talk she told me the place was becoming an occasion of sin....wow there is a term I haven heard in a long time. indeed she was right, the place has a tendency to become a hen house and nasty gossip can thrive quite well.
I'm looking for what I'm being called to do for lent. I realized the other morning I get all my life from Jesus Christ. All of it so I spent the day looking at everything from that point of view. I don't know if I will change much permanently. Old bad habits die hard. But I am trying to sit less, walk more, stick to my yoga commitment ( still not doing as well there as I had hoped) I miss you friend. Have a lovely lent.
Love Cindy
Have a lovely day,
Cindy Balfour
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