Words that strike fear deep in the heart of any boat owner, not unlike hearing a 2 year old saying "uh oh" from the next room, a preteen out side yelling "mom" in a panicked voice. Or your adult son calling and opening the conversation with "hi mom I need to talk to dad!"
Experience can be a great teacher but doesn't always perform as well as a preventer. Roof tops and boat bottoms hold the same mysterious ability to let water into the tiniest crack and send it on a circuitous route before it shows itself inside.
So far during this particular quest water has slipped in via the daggerboard cases, both rain water and sea water. Through the depth sounder that one was just plain scarey. Through the prop shaft ( don't even ask) through several windows left open and one fixed window thought to be sealed. Shower water has been caught sneaking into the bilge.... And at least one mystery place believed to be above the waterline, where water shows up intermittently, that is still under investigation.
We have coined phrases like nuisance rainwater, bilge condensation, window condensation ok almost any thing we are more than happy to attribute to condensation. I am happy to report we are learning to take this in stride, well sort of.