Friday, September 27, 2013

Too big to describe


A fellow pulled in yesterday and parked right in front of us, his boat was named "Some Luck"
He kept going on and on about the beautiful day, indeed it was, apparently this area is heading into a rainey season and people are milking the weather for all it's worth.

He joked it was hard to see that beautiful sky with all that 10,000 year old granite in the way, that cracked everyone up.
What indeed could hide the sky so magnificently but 10,000 year old canyon walls.

Another lady made the comment "I just didn't know that I needed to see this." Really true.


Chatterbox Falls. The noise from the water was huge, the spray went out about 100 yards past the bottom. Warning signs said do not try to climb the falls, 12 people have lost their lives trying to do just that. Hmmm I must be getting old because it never occurred to me to even try.

The boat is great, a few little issues but nothing is ever perfect. It is cold ......    David is doing a fabulous job as captain.  Larry is wonderful crew, he is often much more patient showing me how to do things. :).

Sunday we pick up another of David's yacht club friends Bay Peterson and his girl friend, Donna,  and sail for another week in the Gulf Islands and maybe down in the San Juan Islands (USA)

Yes you are welcome to come visit us on the boat next summer, we are probably heading home to Austin the end of October. We will be back to finish sailing the Canadian islands and maybe try to make it to Alaska.

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