Monday, March 24, 2014

to navigate

I borrowed segments from the lenten Magnificat, reactions  today

A flatterer never seems absurd: the flattered always takes his word.  Too much flattery makes me suspicious but just enough is like a tiny drop of poison in every vat of wine.

A Prophet always seems absurd: those to whom he prophesies always reject his word" Flatterers are popular because they say what people want to hear. I have a harder time here, because as I grew up, with absent parents,  I learned to listen to every warning and brace myself, maybe going overboard...I now almost instnctively ponder prophesies awhile or I believe every one. not all are true.

Flatterers avoid difficult truths because they are unwilling to risk rejection. yes yes yes

With Flatterers around we lose the potential for conversion.  hmmm ok yes, maybe so

When I put truth first, I can put relationships first, truth is the foundation to meaningful relationships. OK now we are in, (as the techies say) this is very nitty gritty, hard, I don't know how to navigate this...

When we think we know what God will say it is because we project into him our own idea of what we need to hear from Him.  I am realizing here this works both ways, if I decide God is telling me what I want to hear, or if I feel God is rejecting me all the time.

When we search out the truth it makes demands of us. And the journey begins

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