Saturday, March 8, 2014

Drink up?

We are thirsty women, and that is a very good thing. It may not be comfortable, but it is good. If you aren’t aware of your hunger, you’re not very motivated to go to the banqueting table. If you aren’t aware of your thirst, you don’t seek something to drink…
In our world, we are barraged with options as to how to quench our thirst. We are buried in advertisements and information and suggestions and ideas and products and programs and have you heard the latest? Catalogs and flyers are felling forests to offer an answer to our ache, to assuage our thirst.
I have tried a lot of them. I’ve bought the shoes, read the book, done the study, and attended the program. I’m still thirsty. Scientists warn that the ability to be aware of and respond to thirst is slowly blunted as we age. In a world that oftentimes feels as dry as a desert, we can become numb to our own thirst. 
But as women who are being transformed into the image of Christ, we don’t want to grow numb but increasingly thirsty. I’ve tried to assuage my thirsty heart. I still need something to drink. I need the Living Water himself. So do you. It is our most precious fundamental need. Jesus invites, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink” (John 7:37 NIV 2011) from Stasi Eldridge, Becoming Myself Today.      

Yesterday in the middle of our set up for the Ladies of Charity volunteer appreciation luncheon, I kept noticing how horribly thirsty I was. There was so much to attend to many hands together were accomplishing much. There were many small details to tweak. When finally there I saw it, the drink table where I consciously stopped and asked for a glass of water. How similar this event is to life. I struggle with only part of who I can be when I don't stop for the living water every day. I have renewed respect for the things available to renew me, to offer a drop of water to my parched soul. Daily Mass, A piece of music, a prayer,  a reading from sacred scripture, a  friends posting a verse, a reflection like the one here. 

Only the living water is going to satisfy me.

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