Friday, October 21, 2011

count the change

Growing up in Central Florida I walked allot, I wore everyday shoes that are now way over priced, we called them flip flops...and tried to be honest and responsible. My Dad showed me how to write my first check, how to make change and how to count my change. He said always do it before you leave. These days it seems no one counts their change.

Then there is change that needs to be counted carefully and in due time, the change that makes a difference and the change that is just different.

Just this morning I was challenged to stop doing the same thing over and over and expect different results. This is by definition "insanity"

As I reflect I can make myself crazy by worrying over changes that don't really matter.

When my insurance claim process changed I thought it was wrong and not going to work , then a wise friend said it isn't wrong it is just different. When I bought a new dishwasher with the silverware holder on the door I was delighted with this change but my family was not. I was quick to point out it wasn't wrong just different.

Change is about looking at what can be different as a result of an occurrence, staying sane is the tricky part, because I want to avoid any change that scares me or makes me nervous. How will I look at the change or the potential for change and have the courage to make the necessary adjustments.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

stop looking for excuses

And His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?"

In the book of John Chapter 9 and again in Matthew reference is made to sin being punished by physical affliction in life.

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

So many times I am drawn into a discussion about worthiness. Who deserves sympathy or help, to have a bill paid or to be fed, arguing over food, imagine that.... In Jesus time they argued over the right/wrong day to help. "never on the Sabbath" or who was clean enough to help.

My former boss and mentor told me many times over, 1/3 of those in need will never get out because they are incapable; maybe in illness or incapacitation, we must help them, 1/3 of those in need got there through unfortunate circumstances, maybe their own fault maybe not, and they will make their way out...we are called to help them. 1/3 of those in need are working the system, shame on them, but since we don't have a crystal ball we help them too and offer our inadequacy up to God.....

Was this blaming the blind man for his plight not just an excuse to refuse him help, or empathy? Is mankind not drowning itself by constantly complaining about carrying the burden of others sins of blaming rather than fixing the problem...?

We are called to the kingdom of God, are we not, by being of service to each other.


In the book of Luke chapter 18 verse 11 there is a prayer. It reads

'God, I thank you that I am not like other people: thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of all my income.' But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even look up to heaven, but was beating his breast and saying, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!' I tell you, this man went down to his home justified rather than the other; for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted."

When all my efforts in life fail, and they often do, there is this one simple prayer, I ask God that I be able to remember it at least once a day if not more....

When actually spoken aloud it puts life in perspective in an amazing way. A "God Thing" I guess, where anger melts and judgements, and opinions seem to be just less important...

This prayer puts me in a place where I can if I choose to, move forward to help and follow my call to be of assistance or empower others and not live in angst if this is the right thing to do or not.

This grace miraculously happens no matter who the president of the United States is or what slanderous words or terms are flung about by one group to blame another group for our own weaknesses and fears.

Lord have Mercy on me a sinner, has now become the Jesus prayer, Lord Jesus have mercy on me a sinner.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

be an energizer bunny

We do indeed have a great God. and a great challenge to move through life. We are charged to press on to find energy that sometimes just doesn't seem to be there.

Pride is hard on us when we think we know ourselves and God reveals to us something new, I have to swallow back the first view of me and enter into the new.

Retirement is interesting. my husband has left the office, the paycheck, and come home. Now he is off boat building in order to follow a dream he has had for several years. In this process of changing from work -at the office -aholic to work not at the office - aholic...He now has an opinion on all things household, things I researched and made decisions about years ago he now has an opinion on..I don't think that I have energy for this...

He can have an opinion of course but I don't have to jump and change everything because of it.
Energy is interesting...I need it to move and get things done I need it to decide to do things, I need it and it makes me mad that it is so darn hard.

It needs to be there and I need to make a conscious decision to access it.

This topic almost naturally leads on to one on diet and exercise, but I feel it must pass through a discussion of courage and prayer as well. One side fails when the other doesn't hold up it's end....

leave off the forward

I have said before I am blessed with many awesome friends. A few of them from time to time have become addicted to the forward option on their email, You may have seen their stuff, it's cute little pictures of babies dressed like ....well you get the picture right. And you know they or the person before them adds some verbage from an older email, misattributing a quote from Ghandi to Mother Teresa or what ever... and maybe there's music and a few threats about life ending or Jesus not being there when they need Him... and VIOLA there is a forward that will go around the world.

My forwards are different.I don't send the prefab cute, or the chain letter; but I have felt I am sharing pertinent information. It might be political, health related, prayer requests, or even local news that I read or receive from email and I SHARE it.

I was recently advised by a dear friend that even though my intentions are good...the forwards are still piling up in the inboxes of many grumbling friends. SO in the spirit of taking it on the chin and learning from my mistakes, I will not forward. News articles, videos, commentary, local announcements etc. to my email list. ok? ok! I promise to try anyway.......but family photos have to be exempt...

However, please don't think for even one minute, that I don't want forwards, timely videos and commentary , I love this stuff. You see, I have a "delete button" and I am not afraid to use it. maybe check this out.
Send me some of you as information....

Friday, October 14, 2011

Get Started!

I have just checked one thing off my list; When am I ever going to get with it and start a blog.

I have to say I am quite blessed to have many friends, some are tremendously dynamic people and do amazing things. I wonder sometimes if I have done all I am called to do; and at other times I wonder if I have tried to do too much.

My niece called the other evening to ask me a question about teaching reading. I haven't taught a child to read in 30 years. I am reflecting about what a noble thing it is to bring the world of books to another person and the power to break open endless ideas and opinions. I felt a reawakening of excitement just while talking to her and offering a few ideas so she could pull them together and create her own first lesson plan. The experience brought new energy to me, energy to be used how? not just to generate ideas for her, not to go back into teaching, but what is it for? I don't want to waste it and I really don't want to loose it.

My life is changing profoundly, retirement, life in a new location, loss of my routine, loss of my mom, living on savings rather than income; and, I have lost a grip on who I am and how I am me. So where does that leave me?